The Diversity of Socorro Islands Marine Life

Socorro Island and the Revillagigedos Archipelago National Park are recognized UNESCO World Heritage site, with a gigantic and diverse marine ecosystem, due to their location in the middle of two ecoregions. The islands of the archipelago are the best underwater place in the world for sightings of large marine life. Read on, there’s even more.

What Will I See When Diving in the Socorro Islands?

Getting curious? Hang on, our marine biologist Olimpia has all the details for you. She has already seen it all- abundant marine life, and even calls the Revillagigedo Islands “biological freaks”. 

Giant Mantas

Of course the main attraction of this archipelago are the giant mantas also called “the giant friends” because in addition to their size they interact with divers at close range. And what’s more, they are the world’s friendliest giant manta rays.

The giant Pacific manta rays (Mobula Birostris) that can be encountered at Socorro Island are the largest of their group. They fly at the Revillagigedo Archipelago by moving their wing-like pectoral fins, which can measure up to 9 meters wide, or an average of 6 meters. In Socorro, these giants interact with divers, and can come as close as a meter away from divers!

In particular, they truly enjoy hovering above divers… Any ideas why?

– They like feeling the bubbles in their bellies!

But Giant Mantas are not only there for the tickles, the Archipelago is also known for its “cleaning stations”. Giant Mantas and other animals circle these cleaning stations to get their skin and gills cleaned by the beautiful and endemic Clarion Angelfish (Holacanthus clarionensis).


Shark sightings are also very impressive since the Archipelago of Revillagigedo is home to 28 species of sharks!… that we know of. These 7 species are frequently spotted by divers, (in order of chance of seeing them):

🦈 1. White Tip Reef Sharks (Triaenodon obesus): these smallish (1.30m max) sharks can be commonly found literally piled up in rock crevices and swimming around in big schools. They have a very keen eye and are night hunters, so during the day they snooze or swim around lazily. A fun fact is that they like to rest facing the current to facilitate their breathing.
🦈 2. Silver tip sharks (Carcharhinus albimarginatus): these are a personal favorite. Like their scientific name suggests, they have white “margins” lining their fins and eyes. They also love spending time at the local “spa” or cleaning stations.
🦈 3. Galapagos sharks (Carcharhinus galpagensis): Galapagos sharks are impressive underwater. Bold and big (up to 3.7m) they calmly mill in groups around cleaning stations. Apparently, they know themselves to be gorgeous because they are great models for shark pictures.
🦈 4. Silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis): these oceanic sharks travel around in groups and can be seen in large numbers from to surface to around 15m or swimming around the boat on the surface at night.
🦈 5. Hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini): hammerhead sharks also enjoy the benefits of cleaning stations in Revillagigedo. Because they’re a bit shyer they circle in huge schools just outside the cleaning stations and let the cleaner fish come to them. Research has shown that they have better social skills than previously thought, since they seem to have a hierarchical system. In the group, they segregate themselves by gender and age, just like a pack!
🦈 6. Whale sharks (Rhyncodon typus): whale sharks are usually seen during the months of April through June, November, and December. They enjoy the cleaning stations and the large quantities of food in the area.
🦈 7. Tiger sharks (Galeocerdo cuvier): these amazing giants can also be spotted in Revillagigedo. Easily spotted because of their striped body and huge size. Males can measure up to 4m and females up to 5.5m.


Due to Revillagigedo’s geographical location between two ecoregions and currents, the Archipelago has one of the highest numbers of fish species in Mexico, it is home to 251 species of fish. Because of the distance from the mainland, Revillagigedo hosts an array of pelagic fish. In all dive sites, it is possible to see:

🐟large schools of Jacks (many different species),
🐟and even Yellowfin tuna actively hunting!

Another icon of Revilla is the Clarion Angelfish. This endemic fish can only be found in Revillagigedo. Their job is to run the “spas” in the area, they can often be seen cleaning larger animals’ skin, teeth, and gills. Small as they may be, they are the reason why we can see so many animals in the same dive spot in the area. The Clarion Angelfish is only one of 16 endemic species in the Archipelago.

Marine Mammals

The Archipelago of Revi. is also an important feeding and reproductive area for 18 species of marine mammals. During the dives, it’s common to see bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus). Playful and curious, they love coming to play with the divers and can often be seen with their offspring.

During the months of January through April, humpback whales (Megaptera novaengliae) use the area as breeding and birthing grounds. They can be spotted from the boat and for some lucky people, even while diving. During the humpback whale season, it is common to see mothers with their newborns, definitely one of the most special experiences for a diver.

Other marine mammals in Revi include 4 more species of:

🐬orcas (Orcinus orca),
🐋false killer whales (Pseudorca crassidens)
🐋and Cuvier’s Beaked Whale (Ziphius cavirostris).

Join Our Liveaboard Scientific Expedition – Reserve Your Spot – Only 4 Left!

We bet you don’t need more convincing why this area is one of the most beautiful dive sites in the world. Unforgettable encounters can happen due to the constant presence of giant mantas, whales, sharks, and dolphins. Here’s more useful info for you:  All You Need to Know Before You Go Diving in Socorro Island

The giant territory offers millions of possibilities of encounters, do you really want to miss it? We’d be heading there on our once-in-a-lifetime diving expedition to Socorro Islands and the Revillagigedos Archipelago National Park. Join marine biologist and shark behavior specialist – Olimpia and the owner of Koox Adventures: Chucho: expert tech and cave diver. Get ready for Shark & Manta Identification & Research, tech and gas management courses, lots of fun, 8 days aboard, and 6 days of diving.

Reserve Your Spot – Only 4 Left!

Socorro & Revillagigedo Islands – 22-30.04.2023 Deposit Duration Pay Deposit
All-Inclusive Scientific Expedition $1000 USD 8 days Book Now

All prices are per person – price is: $4599USD
A limited number of spots available – 17 spots left
The amount is to be paid in parts – first deposit – 1000USD is due by 30.09.2022 or asap.
We will contact you for the next payments:
1500USD by 20.DEC 2022
1500USD BY 20 MAR 2023
599USD by 15 APR 2023 / or upon arrival
For any questions: Feel free to contact Olimpia –  our marine biologist & shark behavior expert👇🏼

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